Tania Kindersley has published six novels and written for various publications, including the Times, the Spectator and the Guardian. She has worked in a variety of unmentionable office jobs, made soup in a cafe, delivered pressed shirts to city workers, done stints as a florist and a barista, and ventured briefly into the alarming world of retail. She lives in Scotland with two black dogs and a pair of Gloucester Old Spot pigs.
Tania Kindersley
Tania Kindersley has published six novels and written for various publications, including the Times, the Spectator and the Guardian. She has worked in a variety of unmentionable office jobs, made soup in a cafe, delivered pressed shirts to city workers, done stints as a florist and a barista, and ventured briefly into the alarming world of retail. She lives in Scotland with two black dogs and a pair of Gloucester Old Spot pigs.